I can't say what's in the guy's heart or whether he is, as some say, a classic closet case or if he's genuinely G4P. I'm probably just a sucker, but I saw that MTV 'true' life thing and ended up feeling sorry for the guy. Go onto Twitter and he's huffing and puffing at some invisible account that pissed him off. Take a look at the tattoo of the clown on his shoulder and that will make you wonder a lot of things. What many of you haven't scene is some one who is narcissistic, a liar, a self loathing homophobe ( believe me ,he likes them white and gem) and extremely paranoid. He may be nice to look at but that's all he is, a face.
I can only imagine the shit he's had to put up through his father, both he and his brother weren't that well adjusted when they came over from Russia and they still aren't. Also, for the record, his family life isn't the best.
The gossip was that he did 3 videos, quit and moved away because of the shame. They were in town together for xgiving and Xmas. He is a relationship with the girl on TV. I understand that, but you're somewhere else so let it go. It also sounds like you had a soccer rivalry that you can't let go.